Thursday, October 4, 2012

25 Positive Affirmations – Take Control of Your Mind

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. – Luke 6:45 KJV
A wise man once said: “An idle mind is the devils workshop.” I believe this is true. I always say if you don’t fill your mind, then the devil will fill it for you. The enemy will try to convince you that you’re not good enough or that you’re not physically able to do something. He’ll even try to convince you that you’re loosing your mind.
Don’t allow the enemy to get into your mind and convince you that you’re worthless. You can have so many trials coming at you left and right but remember, Ephesians 6:12 tells us: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Inpsirational Messages | Positive AffirmationsYou make your trials worse than they really are by the thoughts that you think in your mind. Our biggest battle is the battle we have in our mind. My friend we have to take control of our thoughts and actions. Below, I have devised a list of 25 positive affirmations, that will help give you a more positive outlook on life:
  1. The sky is the limit to what I can have.
  2. I put all past mistakes and failures behind me; I delightfully look forward to a new day and new opportunities.
  3. I am what God says I am, I can do anything He says I can do.
  4. I choose to exercise patience as I go along my daily journey.
  5. I live one day at a time, I do not worry about the future.
  6. I commit adequate time daily to praying and studying the Word of God.
  7. I set realistic goals; I write them down and I put a plan of action in place to accomplish them.
  8. I choose to set a positive environment for my loved ones, circle of friends and other social environments in which I interact.
  9. I remove all limits off myself, for with God, I can excel to a new dimension in my life.
  10. I think positive thoughts at all times and I accept the confidence I feel because of it.
  11. I love the balance I get from weekly fellowships with my friends.
  12. I am inspired because of the great strides I’m making in my career.
  13. I devote time to myself daily because I know I deserve it.
  14. Because I take pride in what I put in my body, I engage in eating 3 healthy meals a day.
  15. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love and of a sound mind.
  16. I choose to operate in peace and love.
  17. I thrive off of my past failures for they inspire me to succeed.
  18. I immediately seize every opportunity and open door as they are presented to me.
  19. I refrain from putting unnecessary pressure on myself and do my best in everything I do.
  20. I value my relationships and I delight in reaching out a helping hand.
  21. I value difficult challenges for they provide opportunities to improve my weaknesses.
  22. I accept myself for who I am, and I also accept others for who they are.
  23. I make wise decisions that are beneficial for me in the present day and in my future.
  24. I create balance in my life. I devote adequate time to myself, family, and my career and I keep them all within perspective.
  25. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
It may be helpful to say each affirmation out loud 3 times to yourself. This is something you can do while you’re in your car on the way to work or before you lay down at night. I also encourage you to study the word of God more. The word of God is full of affirmations.
Don’t let the enemy convince you against what the word of God tells you. The word of God tells us that we are more than a conqueror. It reminds us that we are victorious. My friend if these two affirmations alone aren’t enough to get you excited and fired up then I don’t know what is. Take control of your mind starting today as you go through your life journey.

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