Thursday, October 4, 2012

Not All “What If” Thinking Is Bad Thinking!!

Doctors say that not all bacteria is bad for you. Sure you have the kind of bacteria that causes inflammation in your body. The kind of bacteria that causes you to get sick – the kind that causes diseases.
But studies show that some bacteria is actually good for you. Some bacteria can actually strengthen your immune system. This bacteria will in turn cause you to fight off sickness and disease. My friend, I like to liken this sort of mentality to the way we think.
You see, experts say that you should eliminate all “what if” thinking completely. You know those thoughts of worry, fear, doubt, insecurity… Well, what if I can’t overcome this addiction?” “What if I can’t be made whole?” “What if the doctor’s report comes back negative?” “What if I try out for the team and I don’t make it?
For the most part you do want to avoid this kind of thinking. An overflow of these thoughts can indeed cause you to flow into a downward spiral.
However, we all have those times when we can’t help but think “what if” thoughts. Sometimes they’re not all bad. In fact, I believe some “what if” thoughts can cause you to break out of ruts.
I’m reminded of a time when I was younger and I touched a hot stove. Before I ever touched the hot stove, I always thought – “What happens if I touch the hot stove… how hot can it be?” Well, one day I worked up the nerve to touch the stove and I must say it was the hottest touch I ever experienced. Thankfully, my instincts caused an immediate jerk reaction. It was at that time I learned what does happen when I touch a hot stove and vowed to never do it again.

Well, this is what should happen when we find ourselves thinking “what if” thoughts. We should allow them to instill just enough fear into us that no matter what happens in life, we know that God has our best interests at heart and therefore we should not worry.
You see, it’s the “what if” thoughts that give us character. It’s the “what if” thoughts that spark our curiosity and gives us the experience to know what’s good for us and what’s not good for us.
Well what if I don’t win the race? Well, what if you don’t win the race? Will you give up? Will you become saturated in defeat or will you press on until you reach victory?
What if I don’t do well on the test? Well, what if you don’t do well? Will you let that discourage you or will you use that let-down to catapult you onto the dean’s list?
Rest assured that when you take the high road, you’re causing strength to your supernatural immune system. You’re fighting off diseases and building courage! You’re strengthening your faith!
You see, you’ve got to use those negative thoughts to empower you to do better. No matter what happens in life, your thinking shouldn’t be “what if,” your thinking should be “what now!” In other words, you should always be striving to reach that next level in life.
When the enemy shoots fiery darts of negativity and discouragement in your life, fire back with God’s plan of action for your life!
I believe that God’s ultimate plan will cause you to triumph. God’s plan for your life is that prosperity is in your future. Realize that you’re not inferior, you are superior! Understand today that your best days are ahead of you and that God has an ultimate plan that’s tailor-made just for you!
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